Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Triduum was last week

This week is Trillium fun with the camera a friend gave me...


Michelle said...

Mine are just up in the back garden! I was given several plants some years ago from my UP friends so I suppose that makes my Trillium "Yoopers"...

The pictures are beautiful, Rick. They are such delicate yet sturdy little flowers; I love them.

Michelle said...

It's still "Trillium" day at your blog! I popped on to say "hi" and tell you that I'm headed to the UP on Sunday afternoon; so happy. I'll keep you in my thoughts; any one who shares even a small portion of my love for the "yooperland" becomes part of my 'tribe'. Your really should make a trip out here Rick!

Ricky said...

Thank you dearie. Yep, those Trillium roots do run deep, don't they. And wide - from here to Minnesota and all the way to Michigan, top to bottomus. Connecting filaments flowing underground from there to here and back again - was, is and is to come, world without end. Grace notes aplenty.

Funny you should mention it - I'm way overdue for a Michigan trip. My sister Karen's getting married next weekend so most of the fam is meeting up in Reno to cebrelate. I'm thinking the topic of Michigan is sure to come up at some point, seeing as how all of us are displaced Michiganders when you get back to it.

Thank you for the thoughts. And also with you.